Water Quality & Resources May Be Supported Using Envista Software and Services
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Different Environmental Media
- An Envista system installed in a shared resource environment easily support multiple programs in different environmental media. For example the State of NJ combines their air monitoring program with the Nuclear Power Plant radiation program.
- Extension of Envista to water quality and resource monitoring is a logical decision for an agency with programs requiring data collection, data management and reporting. The State of OH is considering Envista for their air monitoring. Joint use of the program with water quality would be logical.
- Envista stations are easily categorized by purpose and the responsible program. Users from a program see only monitoring sites relevant to their needs.
- Communications support can easily be divided such that each supported program can manage their own communications with field devices and other data sources.
Example Water Network
Water Sampler System with Electrodes
Jordan River Monitoring Program
Small Low Power DCP for Sensors
Agricultural Water Optimization
Collect Sampler Data
Interfaces with Common Samplers e.g. ISCO
Expansion Plan Basics
- Add continuous and sample monitoring locations to the system with Envista Setup
- Add additional types of measurements
- Add monitors to the stations for the species and other measurements relevant to water quality
- Add water program users and assign to stations with appropriate roles for view, preliminary edit, and final edit.
- Identify the population of devices such as loggers or samplers that will be connected to and over what communications media. Develop new communications protocols as needed.
- Identify all consumers of the collected data and configure reports and distribution mechanisms such as ftp, email, web sites, mobile device apps.
Determine if mobile apps for field personnel would improve efficiency.
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