Analyze Discreet Data with FilterPAQC
Filter PAQC is a sample integration utility that provides the mechanisms needed for filter based PM fine measurements to find their way into the Envista ARM database, and ultimately be produced as Air Quality System (AQS) submittal records for XML Reporter. Filter PAQC combines lab data flows with data created during a run cycle on the field device, and produces a user interface for authorization of each filter’s measurements. Go to FilterPAQC
Review and Validate All Data Flows with Envista ARM
By using this feature of Envista ARM, the user can view the operational quality of the network: calibration reports, selected data sets' status codes, diagnostic information collected from smart analyzers, monitor status alarms, reports on digital I/O changes to data loggers, communications errors during the data acquisition process, station power failures, missing data for selected monitors, log book notes and reports, edits that have been made to raw data values, reports of validations performed on monitors. Go to Envista ARM